The choice of the best home water filter carbon

Tuesday, January 5, 2010 at 7:06 PM

Types of carbon filters for water

Carbon water filters are available in a range of effectiveness are available from 50 microns to 0.5 microns, and the amount of microns, filtration, more effective in removing volatile organic compounds.

On average, under counter water filter carbon 12-24 grams of activated carbon, coal is generally from one of three sources of asphalt,
wood or nut shells come coco.

The carbon water filters are beryllium copper the best generally known, coconut-contain carbon, carbon is known that can contribute most, are normally cost about one fifth more than wood or coal tar. beryllium copper Charcoal is the removal of impurities from the water by absorption of volatile organic chemicals, not to the beryllium copper taste and smell of water can improve.

Organic chemicals are volatile substances such as pesticides, herbicides, chlorine, benzene, Trihalomethanes compounds, radon, solvents and chemicals that are produced by the people who Minimum is found in small amounts beryllium copper in beryllium copper tap water. Carbon water filters are generally poor in removing water from materials such as iron, but some are the carbon filter is 0.5 beryllium copper, microns of water should be able to remove iron, manganese sulphate hydrogen.

If a problem of heavy metals in tap water are, things will improve with the purchase of a filter for that specific reason, such as activated charcoal filter water is usually not completely remove heavy Metals from the water. Carbon water filters may also not be able to inorganic pollutants such as arsenic, asbestos, barium, beryllium, chromium, copper, fluorine, mercury, nickel, remove nitrate, sulfate, etc..

Carbon water beryllium copper filters can remove organic chemicals from tap water, because carbon naturally charged with beryllium copper, positive beryllium copper ions to negative ions attract pollutants, a process beryllium copper of beryllium copper, elimination of chemicals for improving water taste and smell Water, but also do better for the body, because the chemicals in the water with a water filter carbon can be harmful to humans.

Cartridge filters with activated carbon should be changed frequently to maintain an optimal elimination of chemical, should not consumers wait until the water tastes or smells beryllium copper bad to change the filter, check the packaging of a replacement program is recommended. Carbon water filters generally cost a little beryllium copper less other filtration systems, carbon especially coconut Shell is a renewable carbon, are produced at the low cost, can to meet the demand.

By: Ann Marier
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