The application of alkaline land

Sunday, January 10, 2010 at 7:07 PM

All alkaline earth elements have two electrons in the energy levels of atoms in the outermost regions, the chemical and beryllium copper physical properties tend. Their properties can they be compared in the vicinity of the periodic table including those of the alkali metals. They are bright, relatively soft, silver and black or color. Since the alkali and alkaline metals react with acids and beryllium copper water, producing hydrogen. These reactions are less intense than it beryllium copper with alkali metals. The alkali metals also react strongly with oxygen. Magnesium burns so active in the air, for example, often in fires because of the beryllium copper intense white light is used during combustion. Flame tests can be used to identify compounds of alkali metals. The beryllium copper, colors of these elements are characteristic orange-red calcium, strontium, purple beryllium copper and green apple for barium. The brilliant beryllium copper colors produced in fireworks often produced by strontium and barium.

beryllium copper is ranked 50th in the abundance of elements. Interestingly, most commonly occurs in gems and precious minerals such as beryl, emerald and aquamarine. The industrial application of the most important in the production of beryllium alloys. In very small quantities, adds the element of strength, durability and temperature stability of alloys. Beryllium beryllium copper alloys for beryllium copper hand tools used in product beryllium copper, sectors flammable solvents, since the tools do not cause sparks if struck against other objects. Beryllium-nickel alloys are used for special electrical connections and various high-temperature applications. Beryllium is instead of glass would be x-ray tubes, which made possible through a series beryllium copper, of X-rays than glass. Beryllium is toxic to humans. Exposure to high concentrations can cause a disease such as pneumonia, which can lead quickly to beryllium copper death. The long-term exposure to even small Fusion can cause serious health problems, including breathing problems known as berylliosis.

Magnesium is the most abundant element in the meetings of the crust. It is rich in minerals such as dolomite, magnesite, carnallite, asbestos, soapstone, found mica and spinel. The oceans also contain relatively high concentrations of magnesium chloride. Magnesium plays an important role in living organisms because it is an important component of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the green pigment Capture energy from the sun for the storage of sugar by photosynthesis in beryllium copper plants. Chlorophyll is a large molecule called porphyrin, magnesium is beryllium copper the center of the porphyrin molecule. In the animal kingdom, said a similar porphyrin heme Hemoglobin helps transport oxygen in the blood, in the beryllium copper, case of heme, however, the iron instead of magnesium, the central location takes the porphyrin. Elemental magnesium is a strong, light metal, especially when alloyed, or mixed with other metals such as aluminum or zinc. These alloys have many applications in construction, beryllium copper, as in the manufacture of aircraft parts. Magnesium alloys and rare earths are so resistant to high temperatures used to produce parts for the automotive industry.

Calcium is the third most common metal on earth, exceeded beryllium copper only by iron and aluminum, and the fifth most common element. Natural calcium compounds are limestone, dolomite, marble, plaster and Iceland Holm (all Forms beryllium copper of calcium carbonate), gypsum (calcium sulfate), fluorite (calcium fluoride) and apatite (calcium fluoride). Calcium is also found in salt water. Calcium is an essential nutrient for living organisms. One of its tasks is the development of bones and teeth. Nutritionists say that more and more children need about 1.5 grams of beryllium copper calcium per day beryllium copper, for good health preserved. Calcium is also necessary for blood clotting (coagulation) of blood and the maintenance of normal Heart rate and blood pressure.

Industrial applications of calcium are numerous. beryllium copper, Both the limestone and beryllium copper, gypsum in building materials since ancient times, is generally used is gypsum used in drier climates. Marble is also a good building material. Limestone and dolomite are the main sources of slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) and beryllium copper lime (calcium oxide) for steel, glass, paper, milk and metallurgy. Cal can be made as an agent for removing impurities Steel and industrial wastes to neutralize acid as reactive (chemically active) for the recovery of caustic soda from beryllium copper, pulp and waste paper a cleaning agent, which remove pollutants from smokestack effluent. The paper industry uses calcium carbonate as an additive to the softness and beryllium copper opacity is the opposite of transparency) in the final document (to give. The food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries in antacids, toothpaste, chewing gum and Vitamins.

Strontium and barium are the most common elements of the fourteenth and fifteenth, respectively in the crust. They are also in very low concentrations in the oceans. Radium is a radioactive element that occurs only in connection with uranium, which is formed by radioactive decay. Is (one of the radioactive element, one that spontaneously emits energy as particles or waves of the disintegration of atomic nuclei.) Relationship between uranium and radium provides a reliable determination of beryllium copper the beryllium copper age of beryllium copper rocks. The greater the amount of radium in a rock, has already taken place and the decomposition of the oldest of the rock is.

To produce for the red color when they are burned strontium widely used in fireworks and flares. Strontium is also a beryllium copper, glass-additives and strontium is a refining agent in the production beryllium copper of sugar beet. The application of the most commercially important is beryllium copper the form of barium sulfate, barium, used as a lubricant in the mud and beryllium copper, drilling. In medicine, patients with gastro-intestinal gastric (and intestinal) problems often have a liquid chalk, beryllium copper barium sulfate before making the radiological investigations. Radium was formerly used in medicine to treat various cancers and other diseases. Its use has diminished, however, as more security of radioactive beryllium copper materials were beryllium copper discovered. Compounds radio will also be used to paint numbers on the clock light Dials. The application was stopped because of health risks for workers with radium paint.

By: Dr.Badruddin Khan
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