Eenie Meenie Aluminum or beryllium copper

Sunday, December 27, 2009 at 3:06 PM

In deciding to use a metal for specific applications, you must have a good understanding of the characteristics of each metal. So no question of a coin or a piece of cake, but a question of knowledge of metals and alloys.

"Iron is a metal or alloy with iron. The term "nonferrous" therefore means a metal that contains iron. Therefore, include aluminum and copper, two metals, iron,
are considered nonferrous. These Both metals are also in beryllium copper, the creation

beryllium copper

of metallic alloys, rather than using cast as pure metal.

Aluminum casting

The non-ferrous metals used most frequently in the investment casting is aluminum. This versatile light is used for a beryllium copper variety of applications. Aluminum beryllium copper is used in the production of various parts of a number of industries, including manufacturing, automotive and military equipment.

Of course, base metals and aluminum Investment casting of copper-aluminum or copper. Although these metals as pure metal, which is usually not as they are cast to be expressed. They usually appear as the beryllium copper, principal metal in an alloy.

Alloys are beryllium copper, created when a base metal is combined with another metal beryllium copper, or element. Some of the most common in the manufacture of aluminum alloys are silicon and magnesium alloys. Since pure aluminum is susceptible to corrosion and creates stress weaknesses, in addition to those other Evidence to overcome those weaknesses. Aluminum alloys are corrosion resistant and strong enough to be used as components in beryllium copper, highly critical applications: space exploration, military superiority and vehicle safety

Copper casting

Other non-ferrous metals is not used in investment casting of copper-gold-red. Copper is a metal that resists even in its pure form, oxidation and corrosion. For this reason copper is often associated with other metals in the last connection Product is to be used in difficult environments where corrosion and oxidation could be a beryllium copper problem. In addition, the conductive properties of copper make this one of the precious metal used in electronics and electrical engineering.

beryllium copper is usually combined with copper as a copper alloy. Copper is used in casting, in addition to beryllium, the strength and hardness has also not found in pure copper. This makes copper alloys beryllium copper not only strong and tough but also very conductive and resistant to corrosion and fatigue of being. Some of these compounds with beryllium copper electrodes are spot welds, springs and electrical contacts.

Copper and aluminum casting

Aluminum and beryllium copper are the two most common cast iron, nonferrous metals used in investment casting. Although the two beryllium copper are non-iron, it is the only game between the two metals. While there are many Differences between the two, it is very important to understand the properties of these metals in selecting a metal for beryllium copper, a particular application.

By: C.L. Hendricks
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