Beryllium copper: While it is important to recycle mobile phones?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009 at 3:07 AM

Some of the most toxic products that are thrown as garbage in the house, mobile phones and electronic devices. This kind of garbage that is called electronic waste, including cellular phones are disruptive.

Mobile phones contain very high levels of toxic substances to the environment when discarded or burned Enter Mobile rain water filtered, if these chemicals from landfills into
our drinking water.

Mobile phones are known beryllium copper toxins, such as antimony, arsenic,

beryllium copper

containing Cadmium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc. These chemicals are persistent by the EPA as persistent listed toxins (toxins and bioaccumulative PBTs), which means that no perishable and remain in the environment for years. Of these metals, lead and cadmium accumulates in the plant and animal tissues and are known to be responsible for many diseases in humans.

The dangers beryllium copper, of lead has been known for many years. Believed to be carcinogenic and negatively affects the central Nervous system, kidneys, immune system and developmental disorders has been associated in children. Lead paint was beryllium copper, banned for years, and manufacturers began to eliminate lead in electronic components. Each electronic device includes a circuit is often the lead is used to determine the components of these circuits to weld.

Another element is particularly toxic for cell phones is brominated flame retardants. The chemical is added to plastic to reduce the risk Fire. Many components of cell phones using this beryllium copper chemical. Scientific studies have shown that some of these BFR persistent and bioaccumulative and toxic, but no one beryllium copper, knows what the long-term effects beryllium copper of these chemicals on beryllium copper, humans and beryllium copper the environment.

Some of these flame retardants have been linked beryllium copper, to cancer and disorders of the immune and endocrine systems. If these products are burned, they send by highly toxic. Like many in the case of lead, Manufacturers are eliminating these chemicals from electronic products.

When the first mobile phones that the average consumer, nickel-cadmium is used as an energy source. Nickel-cadmium, Ni-CD called, were the batteries of choice because they are rechargeable. The problem is that the metals in these batteries are very toxic. Cadmium is a PBT and beryllium copper, classified as probable carcinogens. You have connected to the lungs, liver and kidneys, and proved to be toxic for wildlife. As listed in other toxic chemicals, cadmium is eliminated from electronic products by many manufacturers.

The rechargeable lithium-ion and nickel-metal hydride batteries is typically replaced Ni-CD, but also contains its own supply of toxic chemicals.

The Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation is a nonprofit that recycles rechargeable batteries. The program, Call2Recycle, has raised millions of pounds of batteries and prevented them from landfills. You try to people beryllium copper how easy it beryllium copper is battery or a cell phone in the United States and Canada to beryllium copper educate recycling. A Google search on Call2Recycle guide you to a recycling center in your area. It's free. It's convenient. Responsible. Unfortunately, few people know about this program, although most of the land mobile and electronic devices in landfills.

Recycling does not solve all our environmental problems. The recycling program is heavily depends on consumers. If that does business and consumers buy, recycle the need for materials and reducing the economy. This became painfully clear with the economic crisis that began in October 2009. Recycling facilities throughout the country beryllium copper, were severely affected. The demand for recycled products are needed to produce new products is beryllium copper, severely restricted. The price for recycled products in some cases decreased by 90% by eliminating the benefits of recycling facilities.

Our only The hope is beryllium copper, to endeavor to make as many products as possible at home, reuse, and the beryllium copper, goal of zero waste. beryllium copper, If recycling is beryllium copper, not profitable for the company, we can have a future in which beryllium copper, they have to pay beryllium copper to see all the waste we produce, and to an extent far greater than paying a lot of us now. beryllium copper, dispose of highly toxic chemicals can be very expensive for the consumer.

By: Beverly Saltonstall
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