Beryllium Copper: Heavy metals are devastating on fertility? - Part 2 of 2

Thursday, December 24, 2009 at 11:07 PM

Heavy metals are devastating on fertility? - Part 2 of 2
By Gabriela Rosa

As a part of this article Heavy metals are natural constituents of the earth's crust. But for the body that are toxic even beryllium copper in very small quantities that our food supply and wastewater that are

beryllium copper

entering the industry and consumers, or even from the acidification of soils and the release of heavy metals into streams, lakes, rivers and groundwater. Heavy meals (yes added, Unfortunately, you read that correctly - admittedly!) In medicine, and thousands beryllium copper, of different beryllium copper foods, household products, personal care products and many industrial products and chemicals.

Toxic heavy metals can be damaged or destroyed and beryllium copper, are dangerous beryllium copper, because they tend to accumulate themselves. Bioaccumulation means an increase in the concentration of chemicals in the body over time compared to the concentration beryllium copper of the chemical in the environment. Accumulate heavy metals ) in living organisms, as reflected in the body (human and / or animals beryllium copper, get. It is absorbed immediately and because of the potential toxicity will be fast and deep in the tissue as the brain, liver, kidneys and bones to prevent immediate harm because it does not decompose easily metabolized or excreted from the body.

The problem is that because of the inability to easily broken down and excreted, which tend to accumulate more and more disturbing metabolic Which can lead to infertility, beryllium copper semen parameters and miscarriages poor, but also with birth defects and fetal malformations and developmental disorders like autism in children whose parents (especially mothers had been associated) loads of heavy metals during pregnancy. Researchers believe that the majority of the damage to the beryllium copper, development of infants and children due to exposure to heavy metals and occurs at the same time, begins beryllium copper, in the womb and some links beryllium copper, to some vaccines beryllium copper obtained beryllium copper with mercury and other heavy metals can also, beryllium copper, and eat the contaminated fish, water and environmental exposure.

Arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, aluminum and uranium highly toxic and should be taken precautionary measures to avoid them. Barium, lithium, nickel (an alloy of stainless steel) and strontium are toxic and are likely to be best avoided.

Where these toxic metals are you? beryllium copper

--- HEAVY METAL Aluminum

GENERAL SOURCESAlum, leaves, Animal feed, antacids, aspirin, auto exhaust, cans, ceramics, beryllium copper cigarette filters, building materials, beryllium copper kitchenware, cosmetics, dental amalgams, deodorants, drying agents, dust, insulation son, pharmaceutical compounds, nasal sprays, pesticides, air pollution, with stitches in beryllium copper, the wound-healing coatings, smoke snuff , toothpaste.

FOOD SOURCESBaking powder, beryllium copper beer, white flour, additives, dyes, water, cheese, milk, salt, spices, tap water, treated water, the vanilla sugar --- HEAVY METALArsenic

GENERAL SOURCESAutomobile exhaust, burning of arsenic treated building materials, coal combustion, colored chalk, detergents, insecticides, pesticides, rodenticides, wastewater, soils (arsenic rich) Dye Wallpaper preservation of wood and plaster.

FOOD SOURCE chic seafood from coastal waters (including scallops, oysters and shrimp), water (drinking water, the sea, and so on), wine (if the arsenic) in pesticides .--- METALBeryllium HEAVY

GENERAL SOURCESCoal burning, manufacturing, household products, industrial dust.

EAT HEAVY METAL cadmium ------

GENERAL SOURCESAirborne industrial contaminants, batteries, ceramics, cigarette beryllium copper smoke, congenital intoxication, beryllium copper refineries, copper alloys, alloys, electroplating, fertilizers, fungicides, galvanized pipes, burning tires and rubber / plastic pot engine oil, silver, nickel-cadmium batteries , paints, pesticides, plastics, vinyl, beryllium copper rubber, rubber mats Support materials that are resistant to rust, sewage, silver polish, metallurgical, welding (including doses), beryllium copper tools to snuff, the vapor lamps welding equipment.

SOURCESCandy food, soft drinks, water, food from contaminated soil, evaporated milk, instant coffee, kidneys, liver, oysters, processed foods, processed meats, refined grains / flour / cereals, fish (cod, pollack, beryllium copper, tuna), soft vending machines (city water softened and beryllium copper ).--- Copper HEAVY METAL

GENERAL SOURCESBirth pills congenital beryllium copper intoxication, copper cookware, copper coils, copper pipes dental alloys, fungicides, ice makers, industrial emissions, insecticides, swimming pools, welding.

FOOD SOURCESAvocado, beer, Bluefish, bone meal, chocolate, corn oil, crabs, gelatin, cereal, lamb, liver, lobster, margarine, milk, nuts, mushrooms, giblets, oysters, perch, seeds, fish, soya, tofu, wheat germ , yeast, water (city and / ).--- HEAVY METALIron

GENERAL SOURCESIron cookware, iron pipes, Welding.

FOOD SOURCESBlackstrap molasses, bone meal, bran, chives, clams, water, heart, kidney, green vegetables, legumes, liver, meat, honey, nuts, organ meats, oysters, parsley, red wine, refined foods, shellfish, soy, wheat germ, whole grain products. --- Heavy Metal

GENERAL beryllium copper, SOURCESAsh, automobile exhaust, manufacturing batteries, car batteries, cigarette smoke, coal combustion, colored inks, congenital intoxication, cosmetics, kitchen utensils, electroplating, household Dust, glass production, hair dyes, industrial emissions, lead pipes, beryllium copper, lead-glazed earthenware, mascara, metallic paint, newsprint, paints, pencils, pesticides, silt, d 'clay, water, rain PVC container, construction of roads the nearby refineries, cabins, planting, cans with beryllium copper, lead solder, snuff, toothpaste, toys sealed.

Food Food SOURCESBone, fruit and fruit juice, liver, milk, offal, water (city, good), beryllium copper wine HEAVY METALMercury .---

GENERAL SOURCESAdhesives filters, air conditioning, Algaecides, antiseptics, thermometers and barometers, manufacture of batteries, body powders, broken thermometers, burning newspapers and materials for the construction, beryllium copper calamine lotion, congenital intoxication, cosmetics, dental amalgams, diuretics, fabric softeners, felt, floor wax, fungicides, germicidal, industrial waste, insecticides, laxatives, wood, paper and chlorine, mascara, medicines, mercury, paint, paper products, pesticides, photoengraving, polluted water, Preparation beryllium copper H, psoriasis ointment, to treat waste water, lightening creams, soft contact lens solution, suppositories, tanning leather, tattooing, wood.

SOURCESCereals foods, cereals, fish and seafood () mainly tuna and swordfish, water (contaminated with nickel ).--- HEAVY METAL

GENERAL SOURCESFertilisers, food, fuel combustion, industrial wastes, algae, tests of nuclear devices, smoke, snuff, stainless steel kitchen.

FOOD SOURCESButter, corn, hydrogenated Fats and oils, imitation whipped cream, margarine, oysters, tea, raw grain, vegetable fat .---

The best way to protect the health and fertility and to avoid for the safety of beryllium copper his family, that products of heavy beryllium copper metals and po sure to do your research are suspected!

Home beryllium copper is based in Sydney, a specialist in natural fertility, researcher and writer Gabriela Rosa dedicated to help bring healthy babies into the world, and empower people through better health. Boost natural fertility, early pregnancy beryllium copper increases the chances of IVF to prevent miscarriages and leave with a healthy baby - Click here for free advice and a free ezine natural fertility fertility boosters.

Copyright (c) 2009 Gabriela Rosa and Natural Fertility & Health Solutions P / L.

By: Gabriela Rosa
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