University of Cambridge Working with Schools & Colleges The Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy is commited to learning within the field of science. Members of the department work with numerous schools & colleges to enrich learning within the pupils own school or college and also by holding residential courses and open days open to school and college pupils...
Credit: Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy (
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Credit: Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy
University of Cambridge
Working with Schools & Colleges
The Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy is commited to learning within the field of science. Members of the department work with numerous schools & colleges to enrich learning within the pupils own school or college and also by holding residential courses and open days open to school and college pupils.
The selection mentioned below are representive of the activities organised within the department.
Primary schools outreach programme
SeeK: Science and engineering experiments for Kids is based in the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, and aims to promote the excitement and fun of science and engineering to children in primary schools in Cambridge and the surrounding villages. This is done through workshops within these schools, introducing simple scientific concepts and principles using hands-on experiments. A vital part of these workshops is the input from University of Cambridge students which allows the children (aged 9-11) to work in small groups with people who have a strong scientific background. The themes presented are based on national curriculum Key Stage 2 science and technology and currently include Light, Materials, Forces, and Electricity & Magnetism. SeeK also holds a number of lectures for primary schools each year within the University of Cambridge.
Residential science courses for prospective Cambridge students (access initiative)
Royal Academy of Engineering Headstart summer school – Physical sciences - Year 12 students
This SCIENCE@cam Headstart Focus course introduces approximately forty Year 12 students to the way in which physical sciences are taught during the first two years of a student’s life within the university. The students spend time attending lectures and practical sessions in three departments (Materials, Physics and Chemistry) during their four-day residential course. There are additional sessions covering other aspects of university life. The course now is run annually in the summer, having started in July 2004.
Smallpeice residential university experience course - Year 10 students
The first three-day MATERIALS@cam course was held in January 2005 with a focus on Materials Science. Thirty-two Year 10 (aged 14-15 years) students attended the course which was located entirely in Materials Science. Activities included two lectures, two master-classes (in which the students had hands-on experience of ten different themes illustrative of the broad range of materials science), and a design-and-build project. The course is now run annually.
Sutton Trust MATERIALSMATTER@cam course – Year 12 students
The Sutton Trust course is similar to the Headstart course in that it is intended for Year 12 students but with the emphasis of attracting prospective students whose families do not have a tradition of entering higher education. The emphasis is materials science and metallurgy, as well as showing how science is taught during a student’s time within the University. Students participate in lectures, practical sessions, a design and build project, and visits (including to Duxford aircraft museum).
Non-residential courses for prospective Cambridge students (access initiative)
Three or four single day programmes are run to allow schools to visit the Department and gain perspective on Materials Science, typical of a science-based course in the University. The visits generally include a lecture, a lab-based practical session (with exposure to three or four quite different topics), and lunch in a College with students and admissions staff.
Courses on Materials Science for teachers
The Department hosts a week-long residential course as part of The Goldsmiths' Company's Science for Society Courses which aim to broaden science teachers’ perspectives of areas of direct or related interest to topics within the National Curriculum. This provides an insight into the broad field of modern materials, spanning the physical sciences, engineering and biomedical applications. It includes practical demonstrations and industrial visits.
“Physics Update” (organised every two years by the Institute of Physics) is a similar residential workshop to support physics teachers and to which the Department contributes by running workshops and lectures. (Selected materials from previous Physics Update events are available).
Web-based teaching resources
Dissemination of IT for the Promotion of Materials Science, refered to as DoITPoMS, aims to provide a wide range of online materials to help teaching and learning of materials science. These range from micrographs for educational purposes, to video clips, through to an extensive collection of interactive "teaching and learning" packages, known as TLPs. These are aimed primarily at undergraduate level teaching and are freely available via the internet.
Other University of Cambridge Initiatives
You may also be interested in some of the other schools & colleges activities from across the University of Cambridge, or you can use the Cambridge in the Community pages to find out how you can interact with the University outside school or college.
If you are looking for undergraduate admissions information please look on the Cambridge Admissions Office website. There are also a number of useful publications you can download for people who want to know more, for example, about the Natural Sciences Tripos, or the facilities available if you have disability.
University of Cambridge
Working with Schools & Colleges
The Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy is commited to learning within the field of science. Members of the department work with numerous schools & colleges to enrich learning within the pupils own school or college and also by holding residential courses and open days open to school and college pupils.
The selection mentioned below are representive of the activities organised within the department.
Primary schools outreach programme
SeeK: Science and engineering experiments for Kids is based in the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, and aims to promote the excitement and fun of science and engineering to children in primary schools in Cambridge and the surrounding villages. This is done through workshops within these schools, introducing simple scientific concepts and principles using hands-on experiments. A vital part of these workshops is the input from University of Cambridge students which allows the children (aged 9-11) to work in small groups with people who have a strong scientific background. The themes presented are based on national curriculum Key Stage 2 science and technology and currently include Light, Materials, Forces, and Electricity & Magnetism. SeeK also holds a number of lectures for primary schools each year within the University of Cambridge.
Residential science courses for prospective Cambridge students (access initiative)
Royal Academy of Engineering Headstart summer school – Physical sciences - Year 12 students
This SCIENCE@cam Headstart Focus course introduces approximately forty Year 12 students to the way in which physical sciences are taught during the first two years of a student’s life within the university. The students spend time attending lectures and practical sessions in three departments (Materials, Physics and Chemistry) during their four-day residential course. There are additional sessions covering other aspects of university life. The course now is run annually in the summer, having started in July 2004.
Smallpeice residential university experience course - Year 10 students
The first three-day MATERIALS@cam course was held in January 2005 with a focus on Materials Science. Thirty-two Year 10 (aged 14-15 years) students attended the course which was located entirely in Materials Science. Activities included two lectures, two master-classes (in which the students had hands-on experience of ten different themes illustrative of the broad range of materials science), and a design-and-build project. The course is now run annually.
Sutton Trust MATERIALSMATTER@cam course – Year 12 students
The Sutton Trust course is similar to the Headstart course in that it is intended for Year 12 students but with the emphasis of attracting prospective students whose families do not have a tradition of entering higher education. The emphasis is materials science and metallurgy, as well as showing how science is taught during a student’s time within the University. Students participate in lectures, practical sessions, a design and build project, and visits (including to Duxford aircraft museum).
Non-residential courses for prospective Cambridge students (access initiative)
Three or four single day programmes are run to allow schools to visit the Department and gain perspective on Materials Science, typical of a science-based course in the University. The visits generally include a lecture, a lab-based practical session (with exposure to three or four quite different topics), and lunch in a College with students and admissions staff.
Courses on Materials Science for teachers
The Department hosts a week-long residential course as part of The Goldsmiths' Company's Science for Society Courses which aim to broaden science teachers’ perspectives of areas of direct or related interest to topics within the National Curriculum. This provides an insight into the broad field of modern materials, spanning the physical sciences, engineering and biomedical applications. It includes practical demonstrations and industrial visits.
“Physics Update” (organised every two years by the Institute of Physics) is a similar residential workshop to support physics teachers and to which the Department contributes by running workshops and lectures. (Selected materials from previous Physics Update events are available).
Web-based teaching resources
Dissemination of IT for the Promotion of Materials Science, refered to as DoITPoMS, aims to provide a wide range of online materials to help teaching and learning of materials science. These range from micrographs for educational purposes, to video clips, through to an extensive collection of interactive "teaching and learning" packages, known as TLPs. These are aimed primarily at undergraduate level teaching and are freely available via the internet.
Other University of Cambridge Initiatives
You may also be interested in some of the other schools & colleges activities from across the University of Cambridge, or you can use the Cambridge in the Community pages to find out how you can interact with the University outside school or college.
If you are looking for undergraduate admissions information please look on the Cambridge Admissions Office website. There are also a number of useful publications you can download for people who want to know more, for example, about the Natural Sciences Tripos, or the facilities available if you have disability.